Who We Are
Welcome to The Hundred Acre buns!
This journey into European Teddywidders started for me in 2022. My dad passed away in 2020. And then in 2021 we lost 2 of our 3 yorkies unexpectedly. Both at different times. One of which I really relied on as my therapy pet. She was my best buddy.
I was looking for a therapy animal but our family was not ready to get another dog. My research led me to bunnies. I was originally on the hunt for a Holland Lop. My search for Holland Lops led me to one of my current partners - Lavender Lops. I immediately fell in love with a sweet little baby of hers. I intended to get 2 bunnies from her and wound up with 3. The rest is history!
I sought bunnies for their affects on mental health. I am really invested in bringing awareness to mental illness and partnering with these amazing animals to help others.
What attracted me to European Teddywidders was their unique personalities and love for their humans. Teddywidders love to be held and pet. Teddys are very social. They’re extremely snuggly and unlike another bunny breed you will come across. They have longer fur, similar to but different from Angoras. Teddys fur don’t require you to brush daily.